


Flat Stanley's Worldwide Adventures #11: Framed in France电子书

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作       者:Brown, Jeff

出  版  社:HarperCollins


字       数:4.2万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Flat Stanley is back to save the day in another exciting Worldwide Adventures chapter book, just in time to celebrate his fiftieth anniversary! This time, he explores Paris, France. And not only will kids love going on a fun adventure with Stanley, this eleventh installment of Jeff Brown's Worldwide Adventures series has fun, fascinating facts about Paris in the back of the book, and is perfect for common core state standards, like multicultural adventure, plot and character development story elements, and compare and contrast.Stanley Lambchop is headed to France to the most famous museum in Paris—the Louvre. Readers will experience the city of light, soar to the top of the Eiffel Tower, and solve a mystery when one of the most famous paintings in history is stolen. And when Stanley Lambchop is asked to help catch an art thief, he can't help but be excited! Posing as a painting in the Louvre on a wall across from the famous Mona Lisa?—c'est magnifique! However, Stanley soon grows bored—until he meets Etoile, an art student who shows him around Paris. But when Stanley goes back to the museum, he realizes that the Mona Lisa looks . . . different. It's been switched for a fake! Will Stanley be able to nab the thief before he or she strikes again?Supports the Common Core State Standards


1. La Mission Impossible

2. Hello, Please, and Thank You

3. Hanging in the Louvre

4. An Artist’s Eye

5. A Fresh Canvas

6. Beautiful City

7. False Appearances

8. Crêpe Stanley

9. Au Revoir

What You Need to Know about Paris

Excerpt from Flat Stanley’s Worldwide Adventures #12: Escape to California

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About the Authors and Illustrator

Books by Jeff Brown



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