


Uncle Sam Can't Count电子书

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作       者:Folsom Jr., Burton W., Jr.

出  版  社:Broadside e-books


字       数:40.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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In their fascinating history of government misadventure, Burton and Anita Folsom show why the Obama administration's urge to pick winners and losers in the private sector is doomed to fail.From the days of George Washington through World War II to today, government investments have failed dismally. They not only drain the Treasury of cash but also impede economic growth, and they hurt the very companies they try to support.Why does federal aid seem to have a reverse Midas touchSimply put, federal officials don't have the same abilities or incentives as entrepreneurs. In addition, federal control always produces political control of some kind. What is best for politicians is not often what works in the marketplace. Politicians want to win votes, and they can do so by giving targeted CEOs benefits while dispersing costs to others.Uncle Sam Can't Count is filled with examples of government failures and free market triumphs, including John Jacob Astor, who owned a fur company that defeated a government-funded rival supported by George Washington himself by actively cooperating in trade with the Native Americans instead of trying to tell them what they wanted. The Wright brothers, who, with two thousand dollars of their own money, successfully flew the first manned flight, while the government threw money at Samuel Langley, whose two failed attempts at flight both landed in the Potomac River. George Mitchell, who spent seventeen years developing fracking, after the high taxes on oil drilling were repealed, while the government subsidized ethanol. Uncle Sam Can't Count is a hard-hitting critique of a government completely incapable of either picking winners or learning from its many mistakes, which demonstrates why business should be left to private entrepreneurs.




1. Beaver Pelts, Big Government, and John Jacob Astor

2. Vanderbilt Goes Upstream Against the Subsidies

3. The Boy Governor Endorses State Subsidies

4. James J. Hill vs. Subsidized Railroads

5. Herbert Dow Changed the World

6. The Wright Brothers Conquer the Air

7. The D.C. Subsidy Machine

8. Uncle Sam Invents the Energy Crisis

9. Uncle Sam Heals the Planet





About the Authors

Also by Burton W. Folsom Jr.



About the Publisher

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