


Fat Girl Walking电子书

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作       者:Gibbons, Brittany

出  版  社:Dey Street Books


字       数:29.2万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Dear person holding Fat Girl WalkingFirst of all, thanks for picking up this copy of my first book. I hope you buy it and not just because each purchase gets me one step closer to buying the leather pants of my dreams.I hope you buy Fat Girl Walking because I want to start a conversation. Or continue a conversation, one I inadvertently started a while ago when I took my clothes off on a stage in front of 700 people. A lot of people thought I was awesome for doing that. A lot of others thought a size 18 woman had absolutely no business showing off her body. Unfortunately for them, I've made it my personal mission on my blog, in social media, on television, and now in this amazing book you're holding, to destroy the ridiculous myth that every woman who is overweight hates her body and herself. I, Brittany Gibbons, and the Curvy Girls I speak to every day on the internet, beg to differ. We love our bodies. We love fashion. We are in loving relationships, having lots of sex. We aren't just a fetish, we're normal women. Sure, sometimes we doubt ourselves, we're not robots, but not anymore than EVERY OTHER WOMAN ON THE PLANET. See, Fat Girls aren't freaks of nature. We're just like you. Maybe we are you.Fat Girl Walking is a collection of stories from my life, my thoughts about the issues that I have faced as a woman, wife, mom, daughter, daughter-in-law, and internet personality in regards to my weight. I have tried to be as honest as I possibly could apologies in advance to my husband and parents, but hopefully any discomfort you feel is quickly replaced by laughter. The insecure texts to my husband and summer camp hijinks are hilarious if I do say so myself. And I also ask some tough questions, things like What if my husband weighs less than I do and Is my body hate ruining my daughter's lifeRead Fat Girl Walking and let's start having these conversations. No pressure, but we may just save all of womankind.Love,Brittany




1. I was Born a Poor Fat Child

2. Honestly, I didn’t have a Chance

3. Finding Your Tribe and Other Assholey Feel-Good Expressions Your Parents Push on You

4. Secret Girlfriend

5. My Andy Gibbons

6. College, I don’t Know Why I’m Here, Either?

7. Adorably Mental

8. Girl on Girl Interupted

9. Going to the Chapel

10. The Life & Death of Procreation and All the Gross Shit in Between

11. The 4th Trimester (The Worst Trimester)

12. Daughters: The Ultimate Mind Fuck

13. Last Cake Ever

14. How to be Professionally Fat on the Internet

15. The Ted Talk

16. Sex With Fat Girls

17. The Emails

18. Women, We’re Ruining Everything



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