


HarperCollins e-books电子书

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作       者:Thompson, Joyce

出  版  社:HarperCollins e-books


字       数:34.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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In this fiercely candid and moving book, novelist Joyce Thompson recounts a difficult yet transforming period in her life. In words that will ring true to anyone in the "sandwich" generation, Thompson tells the story of her troubled marriage ending, her adjustment to single motherhood, finding new love, turning fifty, dealing with sick and dying parents, and somehow discovering a spiritual home in an ancient, earth-centered tradition.Along the way, she comes to terms with the blessings and specters of her own dysfunctional family. This includes her father, a distinguished judge and chronic alcoholic, and her tough, smart mother, a pioneering woman lawyer, who is slowly succumbing to Alzheimer's and whom Thompson helps to die gracefully, despite many traumatic and even ridiculous moments. But with Thompson's lyrical, personal, and evocative writing, she transforms what could have been a soap opera into a rich, moving, and funny story, full of hope.Thompson's novels are about understanding the human condition, and it's no surprise she focuses that gift on her own life and the lives of her family. Elegant, wise, and witty, Sailing My Shoe to Timbuktu, pulls no punches and is delightfully and compulsively readable.


Title Page




1 the repudiation of luck

2 how I was damned

3 stories remake the world

4 mother’s day

5 advice from a Christian

6 holding my firstborn

7 a vocabulary lesson

8 receiving Olokun

9 two Annes

10 the flight

11 my father, his body & the butterflies

12 a speculation about the silence of God

13 my husband becomes a priest

14 getting rid of the gun

15 the use and misuse of stories

16 surrogates

17 a prayer for love

18 the Indian spirit & the failed novel

19 the last blind date

20 plucking chickens

21 attractors

22 my first bembe

23 Harriet & the geriatric specialist

24 red flags waving

25 three stories about Ochun

26 wedding clothes

27 why I must decline (Anne’s turn)

28 saying yes

29 money & fear

30 it hits the fan

31 guerrilla tactics

32 ancestors

33 ducks and other birds

34 tripping

35 Anne shares her dinner

36 the dark

37 bad ancestors

38 tales of Clearbrook Inn

39 bathtime

40 story’s last stand

41 communication technologies

42 initiation

43 in the neighborhood

44 the reunion

45 spirit work

46 the leaf

47 my mother, lost and found

48 the darkness returns

49 emergency room, full moon

50 gentle care

51 a Christmas story

52 new year’s news

53 the theatre of sky

54 goodbyes

55 letting go of the branch/an epilogue



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