


Learning IoT with Particle Photon and Electron电子书

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作       者:Rashid Khan,Kajari Ghoshdastidar,Ajith Vasudevan

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:81.2万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Develop applications on one of the most popular platforms for IoT using Particle Photon and Electron with this fast-paced guide About This Book Get an introduction to IoT architecture, command-line build tools and applications of IoT devices and sensors Design and develop connected IoT applications using Particle Photon and Electron in a step-by-step manner, gaining an entry point into the field of IoT Get tips on troubleshooting IoT applications Who This Book Is For This book is for developers, IoT enthusiasts and hobbyists who want to enhance their knowledge of IoT machine-to-machine architecture using Particle Photon and Electron, and implement cloud-based IoT projects. What You Will Learn Setup the Particle Photon and Electron on the cloud using the command-line tools Build and deploy applications on the Photon and Electron using the Web-based IDE Setup a local cloud server to interact with Particle Photon and Electron Connect various components and sensors to Particle Photon and Electron Tinker with the existing firmware and deploy a custom firmware on the Photon and Electron Setup communication between two or more Particle Photon and Electron Debug and troubleshoot Particle Photon and Electron projects Use webhooks to communicate with various third-party server applications In Detail IoT is basically the network of physical devices, vehicles, buildings and other items—embedded with electronics, software, sensors, actuators, and network connectivity that enable these objects to collect and exchange data.. The number of connected devices is growing rapidly and will continue to do so over years to come. By 2020, there will be more than 20 billion connected devices and the ability to program such devices will be in high demand. Particle provides prototyping boards for IoT that are easy to program and deploy. Most importantly, the boards provided by Particle can be connected to the Internet very easily as they include Wi-Fi or a GSM module. Starting with the basics of programming Particle Photon and Electron, this book will take you through setting up your local servers and running custom firmware, to using the Photon and Electron to program autonomous cars. This book also covers in brief a basic architecture and design of IoT applications. It gives you an overview of the IoT stack. You will also get information on how to debug and troubleshoot Particle Photon and Electron and set up your own debugging framework for any IoT board. Finally, you’ll tinker with the firmware of the Photon and Electron by modifying the existing firmware and deploying them to your boards. By the end of this book, you should have a fairly good understanding of the IoT ecosystem and you should be able to build standalone projects using your own local server or the Particle Cloud Server. Style and approach This project-based guide contains easy-to-follow steps to program Particle Photon and Electron. You will learn to build connected applications with the help of projects of increasing complexity, and with each project, a new concept in IoT is taught.

Learning IoT with Particle Photon and Electron

Learning IoT with Particle Photon and Electron


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1. Introducing IoT with Particle Photon and Electron

Evolution of the IoT

Why the IoT has become a household word now

Hardware and software in the IoT ecosystem

Essential terminology

Network protocols

Market survey of IoT development boards and cloud services

IoT development boards

Cloud services (PaaS, BaaS, M2M)

What is Particle?

The journey of Particle

Why Particle?

What does Particle offer?

Photon, Electron, and Core

Spark Core

Particle Photon

Particle Electron



2. Fire Up Your Kit

Essentials of FreeRTOS and hardware resources

Flow diagram for the Twitter project

Getting the Photon online

Setting up the Photon or Core

Software and hardware requirements

Software setup

Connecting Particle Photon or Core

The Web IDE

Twitter and e-mail interaction project

Setting up a Twitter developer account

Sending web requests using Particle webhooks

Creating a webhook

Listing and deleting webhooks

Putting it all together

Setting up the Twitter and e-mail webhook

How to sense motion?

Sensing button presses - programming the buttons

Tweets and e-mail



3. P2P and Local Server

Client-server versus P2P networks

Traditional client-server architecture

Peer-to-peer network architecture

Client-server versus P2P

Advantages and disadvantages of P2P networking

Setting up a P2P network for Particle devices

Flash the VoodooSpark firmware

Connect the Particle board with VoodooSpark

Controlling your Particle board using the keyboard

Local server setup

Advantages and disadvantages of Particle local server

Installing Particle server on a local machine

Configuring the local server

Alternate protocols for IoT




4. Connecting the Sensors

Overview of the project

Hardware components and setup

RFID reader module RC522-RFID and RFID tags

PIR motion sensor

Data flow diagrams

Communication between the Photons

Sample code

Photon with the RFID reader

Photon with the motion sensor

Data storage on the cloud

Cloud data analysis and SMS notification



5. Of Cars and Controllers

Building the model car - hardware components


L293D motor driver

65 RPM DC Right Angled motor


Power supply and Li-Po battery

Breadboard and jumper wires

Building the model car - prerequisites

Putting it all together and controlling the car

The code

Running the program and controlling the car

Moving the car with gestures

How it works

The code

Programming the car with the Electron

Putting it all together (again)

The code



6. Hacking the Firmware

What is firmware?

A bit of history

Obtaining and flashing firmware

Obtaining firmware

Obtaining firmware by direct download

Obtaining firmware by building from source




Getting the firmware source code

Compiling the code

Burning firmware onto the device

Burning firmware using the OTA method

Burning firmware using Particle-CLI

Burning firmware using the DFU-Util method

Installing DFU-Util

Flashing firmware

Custom firmware


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