


Tales from a Young Vet: Mad cows, crazy kittens, and all creatures big and small电子书

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作       者:Jo Hardy,Caro Handley

出  版  社:Harper Element


字       数:33.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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The funny, touching and entertaining story of how Jo Hardy, the star of BBC2’s Young Vets, gets to grips with animals big and small, friendly and not-at-all-happy, on the road to becoming a fully qualified vet. ‘Stand well clear. Keep your eyes on them. Oh, and make sure you have insurance.’ Not the most comforting words of wisdom, but probably the most useful for a trainee vet, Jo would say. From well-equipped surgeries to windswept hills and ramshackle barns, Jo has to be able to diagnose and treat any animal, at any time of the day or night. It’s not quite as easy as James Herriot made it seem. Jo’s final year of training saw her race from rectal examinations of cows to spine surgery on a Great Dane, and from treating an eventing horse with a heart problem to inserting a contraceptive implant into a monkey. And then there were the owners – the tough guy who sobbed when his cat was diagnosed with cancer, the woman who was convinced her dog was embarrassed by its stomach upset, and the farmer who loved his cows as much as anyone loves their pets. Gruelling days of animal treatments and visits combined with long nights of study and revision made Jo’s final year of training the most demanding and rewarding year of her life. Her book tells of the highs and lows, the pets that stole her heart, and the lifelong friends that she made – with two legs and four.

Title Page



Chapter One: Critical Care and the Night Shift

Chapter Two: Black Monday

Chapter Three: The Vaccine Trick and Dermaholiday

Chapter Four: ‘Don’t Cry, Englishman’

Chapter Five: ‘What Seems to Be the Problem?’

Chapter Six: For the Love of Horses

Chapter Seven: Fly on the Wall

Chapter Eight: We Saved a Life

Chapter Nine: Into the Wild

Chapter Ten: Between Two Worlds

Chapter Eleven: The Kitten who Thought She Was a Parrot

Chapter Twelve: Mad Cows and Doris the Goat

Chapter Thirteen: ‘Happy Christmas, Clunky’

Chapter Fourteen: Grumpy Lizards and Misty-eyed Gorillas

Chapter Fifteen: Stella the Heifer

Chapter Sixteen: Man’s Best Friend

Chapter Seventeen: Horse Sense

Chapter Eighteen: Luca the Great Dane

Chapter Nineteen: The End in Sight


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