


Leadership (Collins Business Secrets)电子书

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作       者:Michael Heath

出  版  社:HarperCollins Business


字       数:11.2万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 经管/金融



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The leadership secrets that experts and top professionals use. Get results fast with this quick, easy guide to the fundamentals of Leadership. Includes how to: ? Understand and develop your leadership style ? Identify strategic goals for your department ? Motivate and manage teams of all sizes ? Build a culture of results and responsibility ? Lead the way out of a crisis

Cover Page

Title Page

Table of Contents

A memorable leader - for the right reasons!

Leadership character

1.1 Put courage first

1.2 Be mentally tough

1.3 Discipline yourself

1.4 Value your character

1.5 Project confidence

1.6 Get passionate about your enthusiasm

1.7 Patiently does it

1.8 Be a warm touch

1.9 Develop yourself or get left behind

1.10 Work to live - live to work

Leadership responsibilities

2.1 Transform the abstract into concrete

2.2 Lead but don't forget to manage

2.3 Lead to bring about 'climate change'

2.4 Be confident as a strong leader

2.5 Have enough humility to avoid humiliation

2.6 Open up to people

Leadership strategy

3.1 Think of forests - not trees

3.2 Avoid a short-sighted vision

3.3 Strategy: get it into their heads

3.4 Turn your strategy into action

3.5 Be a business expert

Leadership and execution

4.1 Get tough with tough decisions

4.2 Deliver or die

4.3 Mind your way through 'roadblocks'

4.4 Collaborate and make everyone happy

4.5 Fight battles worth winning

4.6 Recruit and encourage 'response-ability'

4.7 Respond to underperfomance

4.8 Negate the negative conflict

Leadership and change

5.1 Develop a vision of change everyone sees

5.2 Convince people why they must change

5.3 Be sensitive to the change process

5.4 Maintain momentum

5.5 Invite resistance

5.6 Feedback: watch the ball

5.7 Accept ambiguity

5.8 Innovate for a great Plan B

Leadership influence

6.1 Get wise to the politics

6.2 Influence: open an account today!

6.3 Give to gain when you network

6.4 Negotiate so everyone wins

6.5 Listen to learn

6.6 Prepare to present

6.7 Write as you lead

Leadership and the team

7.1 Build an empowered team

7.2 Stretch that team!

7.3 Upset your team's thinking

7.4 Mentor your leaders-in-waiting

7.5 Trust the virtual team

7.6 Inject life into your teleconference

Jargon buster

Further reading

About The Author


About the Publisher

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