


Mastering AWS Lambda电子书

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5人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Yohan Wadia,Udita Gupta

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:34.2万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Build cost-effective and highly scalable Serverless applications using AWS Lambda. About This Book ? Leverage AWS Lambda to significantly lower your infrastructure costs and deploy out massively scalable, event-driven systems and applications ? Learn how to design and build Lambda functions using real-world examples and implementation scenarios ? Explore the Serverless ecosystem with a variety of toolsets and AWS services including DynamoDB, API Gateway, and much more! Who This Book Is For If you are a Cloud administrator and/or developer who wishes to explore, learn, and leverage AWS Lambda to design, build, and deploy Serverless applications in the cloud, then this is the book for you! The book assumes you have some prior knowledge and hands-on experience with AWS core services such as EC2, IAM, S3, along with the knowledge to work with any popular programming language such as Node.Js, Java, C#, and so on. What You Will Learn ? Understand the hype, significance, and business benefits of Serverless computing and applications ? Plunge into the Serverless world of AWS Lambda and master its core components and how it works ? Find out how to effectively and efficiently design, develop, and test Lambda functions using Node.js, along with some keen coding insights and best practices ? Explore best practices to effectively monitor and troubleshoot Serverless applications using AWS CloudWatch and other third-party services in the form of Datadog and Loggly ? Quickly design and develop Serverless applications by leveraging AWS Lambda, DynamoDB, and API Gateway using the Serverless Application Framework (SAF) and other AWS services such as Step Functions ? Explore a rich variety of real-world Serverless use cases with Lambda and see how you can apply it to your environments In Detail AWS is recognized as one of the biggest market leaders for cloud computing and why not? It has evolved a lot since the time it started out by providing just basic services such as EC2 and S3 and today; they go all the way from IoT to Machine Learning, Image recognition, Chatbot Frameworks, and much more! One of those recent services that is also gaining a lot of traction is AWS Lambda! Although seemingly simple and easy to use, Lambda is a highly effective and scalable compute service that provides developers with a powerful platform to design and develop Serverless event-driven systems and applications. The book begins with a high-level introduction into the world of Serverless computing and its advantages and use cases, followed by a deep dive into AWS Lambda! You’ll learn what services AWS Lambda provides to developers; how to design, write, and test Lambda functions; as well as monitor and troubleshoot them. The book is designed and accompanied with a vast variety of real-world examples, use cases, and code samples that will enable you to get started on your Serverless applications quickly. By the end of the book, you will have gained all the skills required to work with AWS Lambda services! Style and approach This step-by-step guide will help you build Serverless applications and run Serverless workloads using the AWS Lambda service. You’ll be able to get started with it in a matter of minutes with easy-to-follow code snippets and examples.

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Mastering AWS Lambda


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Introducing AWS Lambda

What is serverless computing?

Pros and cons of serverless computing

Introducing AWS Lambda

How it works

Getting started with AWS Lambda

Using the AWS Management Console

Using the CLI

Pricing and limitations

Planning your next steps


Writing Lambda Functions

The Lambda programming model


The context object


Exceptions and error handling

Versioning and aliases

Environment variables

Packaging and deploying



Recommendations and best practices

Planning your next steps


Testing Lambda Functions

The need for testing Lambda function

Manually testing your functions with the AWS Management Console

Testing functions with Mocha and Chai

Testing functions using the npm modules

Testing with a simple serverless test harness

Recommendations and best practices

Planning your next steps


Event-Driven Model

Introducing event-driven architectures

Understanding events and AWS Lambda

Lambda architecture patterns

Exploring Lambda and event mapping

Mapping Lambda with S3

Mapping Lambda with DynamoDB

Mapping Lambda with SNS

Mapping Lambda with CloudWatch events

Mapping Lambda with Kinesis

Creating the Kinesis Stream

Setting up the log streaming

Packaging and uploading the function

Planning your next steps


Extending AWS Lambda with External Services

Introducing Webhooks

Integrating GitHub with AWS Lambda

Integrating Slack with AWS Lambda

Invoking Lambda using an external application

Planning your next steps

Recommendations and best practices


Build and Deploy Serverless Applications with AWS Lambda

Introducing SAM

Writing SAM templates




Building serverless applications with SAM

Introducing AWS step functions

Under the hood

Getting started with step functions

Building distributed applications with step functions

Planning your next steps


Monitoring and Troubleshooting AWS Lambda

Monitoring Lambda functions using CloudWatch

Introducing AWS X-Ray

Monitoring Lambda functions using Datadog

Logging your functions with Loggly

Recommendations and best practices


Introducing the Serverless Application Framework

What is the Serverless Framework?

Getting started with the Serverless Framework

Working with the Serverless Framework

Recommendations and best practices


AWS Lambda - Use Cases

Infrastructure management

Scheduled startup and shutdown of instances

Periodic snapshots of EBS volumes using Lambda

Enabling governance using EC2 tags and Lambda

Data transformation


Next Steps with AWS Lambda

Processing content at the edge with Lambda@Edge

Building next generation chatbots with Lambda and Lex

Processing data at the edge with Greengrass and Lambda

Introducing Snowball Edge


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