


Hands-On Spring Security 5 for Reactive Applications电子书

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15人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Tomcy John

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:29.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Learn every step you need for product design and development Key Features *Explore all the tools that you need to be a complete UX designer *Code the product designs you’ve created to become a full-stack designer *Build an amazing portfolio with real-world projects Book Description Designing user experience (UX) is one of the most important aspects of a project, as it has a direct effect on how customers think of your company. The process of designing a user experience is one of the most challenging yet rewarding aspects of product development. Hands-On UX Design for Developers will teach you how to create amazing user experiences for products from scratch. This book starts with helping you understand the importance of a good UX design and the role of a UX designer. It will take you through the different stages of designing a UX and the application of various principles of psychology in UX design. Next, you will learn how to conduct user research and market research, which is crucial to creating a great UX. You will also learn how to create user personas and use it for testing. This book will help you gain the ability to think like a UX designer and understand both sides of product development: design and coding. You will explore the latest tools, such as Sketch, Balsamiq, and Framer.js, to create wireframes and prototypes. The concluding chapters will take you through designing your UI, dealing with big data while designing a UX, and the fundamentals of frontend. Finally, you'll prepare your portfolio and become job ready in the UX arena. What you will learn *What UX is and what a UX designer does *Explore the UX Process and science of making products user-friendly *Create user interfaces and learn which tools to use *Understand how your design works in the real world *Create UI interaction, animation, wireframes, and prototypes *Design a product with users in mind *Develop a personal portfolio and be well-prepared to join the UX world Who this book is for Hands-On UX/UI Design for Developers is for web designers who have knowledge of basic UX design principles.

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Hands-On Spring Security 5 for Reactive Applications


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Conventions used

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Overview of Spring 5 and Spring Security 5

How examples are structured

New-generation application requirements

Reactive programming

Reactive applications

Reactive Manifesto





Spring Framework

Reactive Landscape in Java

Reactive Streams and Reactive Streams Specifications



Reactive Extensions


Reactive Streams and RxJava

JDK 9 additions

Important interfaces

The Publisher Interface

The Subscriber Interface

The Subscription interface

The Processor interface

Spring Framework and reactive applications

Modules in Reactor

Reactive types in Reactor Core

The Flux reative type

The Mono reactive type

Data stream types

Reactor and RxJava

Reactive Web Application

Spring WebFlux

Reactive Spring Web



Application security

Spring Security

Spring Security terminologies

Spring Security's core features



Spring Security 5's new features

Working of Spring Security

Servlet Filter

Filter Chain

Security Interceptor (DelegatingFilterProxy)

Core Spring Security modules


Deep Diving into Spring Security


Setting up AuthenticationManager


Custom AuthenticationProvider

Multiple AuthenticationProvider

Sample application

Base project setup

Step 1—Create a Maven project in IntelliJ IDEA

Step 2—pom.xml changes

Step 3—MySQL database schema setup

Step 4—Setting up MySQL database properties in your project

Step 5—Spring application configuration

Step 6—Web application configuration

Step 7—Spring MVC setup

Step 8—Controller setup

Step 9—JSP creation

Spring Security setup

Step 1—Spring Security configuration setup

Step 2—Spring Security setup for a web application

Running the application

In-memory user storage

Run as Spring Boot



Method invocation

Domain instance

Other Spring Security capabilities


Authentication Using SAML, LDAP, and OAuth/OIDC

Security Assertion Markup Language

Setting up an SSO provider

Setting up the project

The pom.xml file setup

The application.yml file setup

The Spring Security configuration files

The resources folder setup

Running and testing the application

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol

Set up dependencies in the pom.xml file

Spring Security configuration

LDAP server setup

Setting up users in the LDAP server

Running the application

Seeing the application in action on a browser

OAuth2 and OpenID Connect

Setting up a project

Bootstrap Spring project using Spring Initializr

Inclusion of OAuth libraries in pom.xml

Setting up provider details in application.properties

Provider setup

Default application change

The HomeController class

The home.jsp file

Spring Boot main application class change

Running the application


Authentication Using CAS and JAAS


CAS server setup

Git clone

Adding additional dependencies

Setting up the resources folder in the project

Creating the application.properties file

Creating a local SSL keystore

Creating the .crt file to be used by the client

Exporting the .crt file to Java and the JRE cacert keystore

Building a CAS server project and running it

Registering a client with the CAS server

JSON service configuration

Additional application.properties file changes

CAS client setup

Bootstrap Spring project using Spring Initializr

Including CAS libraries in pom.xml

Changing the application.properties file

Additional bean configuration

ServiceProperties bean

AuthenticationEntryPoint bean

TicketValidator bean

CasAuthenticationProvider bean

Setting up Spring Security

Creating the CasAuthenticationFilter bean

Setting up the controller

Running the application

Java Authentication and Authorization Service

Setting up a project

Setting up Maven project

Setting up LoginModule

Setting up a custom principal

Setting up a custom AuthorityGranter

Configuration files

Application configuration

Spring MVC configuration

Spring Security configuration


Setting up pages

Running the application


Custom AuthenticationEntryPoint

Multiple AuthenticationEntryPoint



Custom filters


Integrating with Spring WebFlux

Spring MVC versus WebFlux

When to choose what?

Reactive support in Spring 5

Reactive in Spring MVC

Spring WebFlux



Spring WebFlux server support

Reactive WebClient

Reactive WebTestClient

Reactive WebSocket

Spring WebFlux authentication architecture

Spring WebFlux authorization

Sample project

WebFlux project setup

Maven setup

Configuration class

The SpringWebFluxConfig class


Handler and router

Bootstrap application

Running the application

Adding security

Configuration classes

The UserDetailsService bean

The SpringSecurityFilterChain bean

Running the application




Maven setup

Creating a WebClient instance

Handling errors

Sending requests and retrieving responses

Running and testing the application

Unit testing (WebTestClient)

Maven dependency

Test class

Spring Data

Maven dependency

MongoDB configuration

Setting up a model

Implementing a repository

Implementing a controller

Running the application


Method security


Writing custom filters

Using WebFilter

Using HandlerFilterFunction


REST API Security

Important concepts


JSON Web Token (JWT)

Structure of a token




Modern application architecture


Reactive REST API

Simple REST API security

Spring Security configuration

Authentication success handler

Custom WebFilter namely JWTAuthWebFilter

New controller classes

Running the application and testing

Advanced REST API security

OAuth2 roles

Resource owner

Resource server


Authorization server

Authorization grant types

Authorization code flow

Implicit flow

Client credentials

Resource owner password credentials

Access Token and Refresh Token

Spring Security OAuth project

OAuth2 and Spring WebFlux

Spring Boot and OAuth2

Sample project

Authorization server

Maven dependencies

Spring Boot run class

Spring Security config

Authorization server config

Application properties

Resource server

Maven dependencies

Spring Boot run class

Resource server config

Spring Security config

Spring MVC config class

Controller class

Application properties

Client application

Maven dependencies

Spring Boot class

OAuth client config

Spring Security config

Controller classes


Application properties

Running the project


Spring Security Add-Ons

Remember-me authentication

Creating a new table in MySQL database

Spring Security configuration

The custom login page

Running the application and testing

Session management



CSP using Spring Security

Channel security

CORS Support

The Crypto module

Password encoding


Key generation

Secret management

Starting by unsealing Vault

The Spring Boot project

The Maven dependency

HTTP Data Integrity Validator

What is HDIV?

The Bootstrap project

Maven dependencies

Spring Security configuration

Spring MVC configuration

HDIV configuration

The Model class

The Controller class


Running the application

Custom DSL


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