


Mastering Xamarin.Forms - Second Edition电子书

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作       者:Ed Snider

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:18.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Create high-quality multi-platform native apps with Xamarin.Forms About This Book ? Packed with real-world scenarios and solutions to help you build professional-grade mobile apps with Xamarin.Forms ? Build an effective mobile app architecture with the Xamarin.Forms toolkit ? Find out how, when, and why you should use architectural patterns and get best practices with Xamarin.Forms Who This Book Is For This book is intended for C# developers who are familiar with the Xamarin platform and the Xamarin.Forms toolkit. If you have already started working with Xamarin.Forms and want to take your app to the next level with higher quality, maintainability, testability, and flexibility, then this book is for you. What You Will Learn ? Implement the Model-View-View-Model (MVVM) pattern and data-binding in Xamarin.Forms mobile apps ? Extend the Xamarin.Forms navigation API with a custom ViewModel-centric navigation service ? Leverage the inversion of control and dependency injection patterns in Xamarin.Forms mobile apps ? Work with online and offline data in Xamarin.Forms mobile apps ? Test business logic in Xamarin.Forms mobile apps ? Use platform-specific APIs to build rich custom user interfaces in Xamarin.Forms mobile apps ? Explore how to improve mobile app quality using Visual Studio AppCenter In Detail Discover how to extend and build upon the components of the Xamarin.Forms toolkit to develop an effective, robust mobile app architecture. Starting with an app built with the basics of the Xamarin.Forms toolkit, you'll go step by step through several advanced topics to create a solution architecture rich with the benefits of good design patterns and best practices. You'll start by introducing a core separation between the app's user interface and its business logic by applying the MVVM pattern and data-binding. Then you focus on building out a layer of plugin-like services that handle platform-specific utilities such as navigation and geo-location, and on how to loosely use these services in the app with inversion of control and dependency injection. Next you connect the app to a live web-based API and set up offline synchronization. Then, you delve into testing the app logic through unit tests. Finally, you set up Visual Studio App Center for monitoring usage and bugs to gain a proactive edge on app quality. Style and approach This easy-to-follow, code-rich guide will walk you through building a real-world Xamarin.Forms mobile app from start to finish. Each chapter builds on the app by applying new advanced capabilities, design patterns, and best practices. Packed with real-world scenarios, this step-by-step guide will help you quickly build professional-grade apps with Xamarin.Forms.

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Mastering Xamarin.Forms Second Edition



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Getting Started

Introducing the app idea

Defining features

Creating the initial app

Setting up the solution

Updating the Xamarin.Forms packages

Creating the main page

Creating the new entry page

Creating the entry detail page


MVVM and Data Binding

Understanding the MVVM pattern

Adding MVVM to the app

Setting up the app structure

Adding ViewModels

Adding MainViewModel

Adding DetailViewModel

Adding NewEntryViewModel



The Xamarin.Forms navigation API

Navigation and MVVM

The ViewModel-centric navigation

Creating a navigation service

Updating the TripLog app

Updating BaseViewModel

Updating MainViewModel

Initializing MainViewModel

Updating NewEntryViewModel

Updating DetailPage


Platform Specific Services and Dependency Injection

Inversion of control and dependency injection in mobile apps

Xamarin.Forms DependencyService versus third-party alternatives

Creating and using platform-specific services

Creating a location service

Using the location service on the new entry page

Adding the location service implementation

Registering dependencies

Registering the platform-service implementations

Registering the ViewModels

Registering the navigation service

Updating the TripLog app

Updating the navigation service to handle ViewModel creation and dependency injection


User Interface

Custom renderers

Creating a TableView DatePicker

Value converters

Creating a reverse visibility value converter

Creating an integer to image value converter

Adding pull-to-refresh


Supporting screen readers


API Data Access

Creating an API with Microsoft's Azure App Service

Browsing and adding data

Creating a base HTTP service

Creating an API data service

Updating the TripLog app ViewModels

Offline data caching

Adding the Akavache library

Maintaining an offline data cache



Adding identity and authentication to Azure Mobile Apps

Setting up permissions

Setting up an identity provider

Creating an authentication service

Adding a sign in page



Unit testing

Testing ViewModels

Running unit tests in Visual Studio


App Monitoring

Mobile app analytics and crash reporting

Visual Studio App Center

Setting up Visual Studio App Center

Creating an analytics service

Tracking exceptions and events


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