


Viking Goddesses and Seeresses电子书

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作       者:E. Kaman, Éva Pápes

出  版  社:PublishDrive


字       数:85.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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This book is the first of the Forbidden Knowledge series. Where did the power of Viking seeresses, dazzling goddesses, the Nornir, or Fates and the formidable Valkyries come from? To find the answer to this question the authors first examine the Old Norse mythology in order to decipher the ancient wisdom of women. Following this survey, the second part of the book explores what became of these mighty female figures, how their powers were transformed over time. The book is closing with a look at several questions related to the modern day: “How is ‘feminine lore’ understood today?” “What are its roots and how do they still affect humankind?” “How is what this book terms ‘the legacy of sight’ still useful?” The responses will both pinpoint what it is that the Norse women left behind them, and demonstrate how that legacy is still woven into the fabric of the present.This non-fiction book provides an outstanding analysis and a careful reinterpretation of Icelandic sagas and poems for properly understand the nature and power of the first mistresses of the Icy North. The research presented here goes deep to unveil the real meaning of the medieval chroniclers’ handiwork. Every detail of every Icelandic saga and poem cited in this book has been translated by the authors uniquely from the original manuscripts. The book contains more than 60 colourful illustrations, an Appendix with nearly 70 separate encyclopaedia articles and hyperlinks to 21 original Icelandic manuscripts and 17 referred websites.


The First Women of the Icy North

The Age of the Völur

The Beginning and the End


The Wakened Völva

The Age of Goddesses

Menglöð – The Realm

Freyja – The Woman

Gullveig – The War

The Age of the Nornir

The Genesis of Humankind

Beneath the World Tree

The Cloth of Fate

The Age of the Valkyries

Mistresses of Death


The Age of Transition

The Transformation of the Völur

Goddesses sans Thrones

After Menglöð

Twins and Incest

Divine Nornir on Earth

Variations on the Valkyries

Óðin’s Women

The Serving Girls

The Pseudo-Valkyries

The Legacy of Vision

Vestiges of the Realm of Women

Women’s World, Men’s World

Women’s Legacy


Appendix 1. The Viking Age

Appendix 2. Old Norse Literature

Appendix 2.1 The Poetic and the Prose Edda

Appendix 2.2 Certain Songs of the Poetic Edda

Appendix 2.2.1 Völuspá

Appendix 2.2.2 Hávamál

Appendix 2.2.3 Vafþrúðnismál

Appendix 2.2.4 Grímnismál

Appendix 2.2.5 Skírnismál

Appendix 2.2.6 Hárbarðsljóð

Appendix 2.2.7 Hymiskviða

Appendix 2.2.8 Lokasenna

Appendix 2.2.9 Þrymskviða

Appendix 2.2.10 Alvíssmál

Appendix 2.2.11 Baldrs draumar (Vegtamskviða)

Appendix 2.2.12 Rígsþula (Rígsmál)

Appendix 2.2.13 Hyndluljóð / Völuspá in skamma

Appendix 2.2.14 Gróttasöngr

Appendix 2.2.15 Svipdagsmál

Appendix Gróagaldr

Appendix Fjölsvinnsmál

Appendix 2.2.16 Darraðarljóð

Appendix 2.2.17 Hrafnagaldr Óðins (Forspjallsljóð)

Appendix 2.3 A Brief Overview of the Prose Edda

Appendix 2.3.1 Prologue

Appendix 2.3.2 Gylfaginning

Appendix 2.3.3 Skáldskaparmál

Appendix 2.3.4 Nafnaþulur

Appendix 2.3.5 Háttatal

Appendix 2.3.6 Skáldatal

Appendix 2.4 Heimskringla

Appendix 2.5 Early Histories and Collections

Appendix 3. Language and Translation

Appendix 3.1 The Icelandic Alphabet

Appendix 3.2 Kennings

Appendix 3.3 Galdralag

Appendix 3.4 Talking Names

Appendix 4. Old Norse Words and Texts

Appendix 4.1 “Silence I bid”

Appendix 4.2 “Tell me, Fjölsviðr”

Appendix 4.3 “A small sword will be ready”

Appendix 4.4 “The Æsir were assembled”

Appendix 4.5 “Óðin hurled”

Appendix 4.6 “She remembers the war”

Appendix 4.7 “Playing on the lawn”

Appendix 4.8 “Thence came maidens”

Appendix 4.9 “She saw Valkyries”

Appendix 4.10 Various Parts of the Darraðarljóð

Appendix 4.11 “She was called Heiði”

Appendix 4.12 “Gunnlöð gave me drink”

Appendix 5. Stories

Appendix 5.1 Gnowee

Appendix 5.2 Baldr’s Death

Appendix 5.3 Meleager

Appendix 5.4 Germania

Appendix 5.5 Metis

Appendix 6. Miscellanious additions

Appendix 6.1 The Jötnar and Cosmology

Appendix 6.2 The Dvergar

Appendix 6.3 The Nordic Horn Ceremony

Appendix 6.4 Spinning and Weaving

Appendix 6.5 Burial Mounds

Appendix 6.6 The Oseberg Ship

Appendix 6.7 The Tree that Reached the Sky

Appendix 6.8 The Unity of Day and Night

Appendix 6.9 The Mandorla

Appendix 6.10 Geography Primer

Appendix 6.11 The Battle of the Darraðarljóð

Appendix 6.12 Our Cover Rune


Books and articles


Internet sources


List of Illustrations

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