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作       者:李绍鹏

出  版  社:上海外语教育出版社


字       数:29.3万

所属分类: 教育 > 外语 > 英文教辅



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  • 读书简介
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搭建学术交流平台,传播研究成果   学术理论新颖 研究领域广宽 材料客观翔实 论述周密严谨 文字简洁流畅   本书从动态系统理论的视角出发,采用历时个案研究和数据动态呈现的方法,从词汇、句法和语篇三个语言层面对某高校四位英语专业学生的英语日志行变异分析,揭示二语写作能力发展的个体差异、非线性特征、具体难以及词汇、句法和语篇关联增长的模式本书对二语写作研究与教学行了理论与实践探索,可以作为外语教师、学和外语研究人员的参考书。  <br/>





Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Research Orientation

1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Present Study

1.3 General Structure of the Book

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Dynamic Systems Theory

2.2.1 Key Concepts in DST

2.2.2 Features of Dynamic Systems

2.2.3 Language as a Dynamic System

2.2.4 DST and SLD

2.2.5 DST and Emergentism

2.3 L2 Writing Development

2.3.1 Measurement of L2 Writing Development

2.3.2 Multiple Perspectives of L2 Writing Study

2.3.3 Core Issues of L2 Writing Study

2.3.4 Previous Studies on L2 Writing Development

2.4 Summary

Chapter 3 Research Design from DST Perspective

3.1 Introduction

3.2 General Research Methodologies

3.3 Study Design of Longitudinal Case Study

3.3.1 Data Collection

3.3.2 Data Description

3.3.3 Data Exploration

3.4 Methods of Variability Analysis

3.4.1 Growth Trajectory Plots

3.4.2 Moving Min-max Graph

3.4.3 De-trended Data Values (Residuals)

3.4.4 Moving Correlations

3.4.5 Moving Average

3.4.6 Moving Progmax-Regmin Graph

3.4.7 Change-Point Analysis

3.4.8 Monte Carlo Simulations

3.5 Summary

Chapter 4 Research Design of the Present Study

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Research Questions

4.3 Setting and Participants

4.4 Task and Procedure

4.5 Coding the Writing Data

4.6 Data Processing

4.7 Predictions

4.8 Summary

Chapter 5 Development of Vocabulary in L2 Writing

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Vocabulary and L2 Writing Quality

5.3 Measurement of Lexical Development

5.3.1 Measures of Lexical Complexity

5.3.2 Measures of Lexical Accuracy

5.4 Research Questions Revisited

5.5 Results: Data and Variability Analysis

5.5.1 Results of Lexical Complexity

5.5.2 Results of Lexical Accuracy

5.5.3 Interactions between Lexical Complexity and Accuracy

5.6 Change-Point Analysis in Lexical Development

5.6.1 Change-Point Analysis of Lexical Complexity

5.6.2 Change-Point Analysis of Lexical Accuracy

5.7 Discussion

5.8 Summary

Chapter 6 Development of Syntax in L2 Writing

6.1 Introduction

6.2 Measurement of Syntactic Development

6.2.1 Measures of Syntactic Complexity

6.2.2 Measures of Syntactic Accuracy

6.3 Research Questions Revisited

6.4 Results: Data and Variability Analysis

6.4.1 Results of Syntactic Complexity

6.4.2 Results of Syntactic Accuracy

6.5 Interactions between Syntactic Complexity and Accuracy

6.6 Change-Point Analysis of Syntactic Development

6.6.1 Change-Point Analysis of Syntactic Complexity

6.6.2 Change-Point Analysis of Syntactic Accuracy

6.7 Discussion

6.8 Summary

Chapter 7 Development of Discourse in L2 Writing

7.1 Introduction

7.2 Discourse Competence in L2 Writing

7.3 Coherence in L2 Writing

7.4 Measurement of Coherence in Written Discourse

7.5 Research Questions Revisited

7.6 Results: Data and Variability Analysis

7.6.1 Inter-individual Variability

7.6.2 Intra-individual Variability

7.6.3 Interactions between Discourse Measures

7.7 Change-Point Analysis of Discourse Coherence

7.7.1 Change-Point Analysis of Local Coherence

7.7.2 Change-Point Analysis of Global Coherence

7.8 Interactions between Measures of Different Linguistic Levels

7.8.1 Interactions between Discourse and Lexical Measures

7.8.2 Interactions between Discourse and Syntactic Measures

7.9 Discussion

7.10 Summary

Chapter 8 General Discussion and Conclusion

8.1 Summary and General Discussion

8.2 Implications

8.3 Limitations

8.4 Future Research

8.5 Final Remarks


Appendix I Samples of Journal Writing

Appendix II Samples of Reflections on Journal Writing

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