



·由专门用途英语教学领域的专家琼·帕金森(Jean Parkinson)副教授撰写,为课堂内外的实践提供了灵活方便的应用工具。 ·为教授或有意教授专门用途英语的教师量身造,语言简易、脉络清晰。 ·内容涉及专门用途英语的概念、专门用途英语的学生的需求和目标,以及专门用途英语的课程设计、教材发和评估测试等多个方面。

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作       者:琼•帕金森

出  版  社:外语教学与研究出版社


字       数:19.1万

所属分类: 教育 > 外语 > 英文教辅



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《如何教专门用途英语》是“英语教师专业素养丛书”中的一本。该丛书是专为英语教师造的一套教学实践丛书。由新西兰惠灵顿维多利亚大学语言学与应用语言研究学院教学主任顾永琦教授与英国布里斯托大学教育测评研究中心主任余国兴教授担任主编。该丛书理论指导与实践指导并重;其理论阐述深浅出,语言文字简明易懂,附有操作性极强的教学方法及大量教学案例。内容涵盖7大领域:语言教学理论、教学大纲与教学目标、技能教学与知识教学、教学法与教学工具、测试与评估、语言学习、教师研究。 何为专门用途英语?它的教学与一般英语教学有何不同之处?本书为教授或有意教授专门用途英语的教师量身造,语言简易、脉络清晰,先是厘清了专门用途英语的概念,然后分析了学习专门用途英语的学生的需求和目标,后详述了专门用途英语的课程设计、教材发和评估测试等种种不同的方法,为课堂内外的实践提供了灵活方便的应用工具。<br/>【推荐语】<br/>·由专门用途英语教学领域的专家琼·帕金森(Jean Parkinson)副教授撰写,为课堂内外的实践提供了灵活方便的应用工具。 ·为教授或有意教授专门用途英语的教师量身造,语言简易、脉络清晰。 ·内容涉及专门用途英语的概念、专门用途英语的学生的需求和目标,以及专门用途英语的课程设计、教材发和评估测试等多个方面。<br/>【作者】<br/>琼·帕金森(Jean Parkinson)是新西兰惠灵顿维多利亚大学应用语言学与TESOL(对外英语教学)副教授,曾在南非教授科学与技术的专门用途英语,现教授专门用途英语和话语分析的硕士课程,以及跨学科英语和工程学写作的本科课程。近的研究方向为职业教育中的语言使用,在此领域著有《职业用途英语:职业教育中的语言使用》(劳特利奇出版社)。她是《TESOLANZ杂志》总编辑。<br/>



Chapter 1 What is English for Specific Purposes?

1.1 Introduction

1.2 The defining features of English for Specific Purposes

1.3 Why specificity?

1.4 Summary of the chapter

1.5 What should a teacher do after reading this chapter?

Chapter 2 Needs analysis in ESP

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Why do we need to analyse our students' language learning needs?

2.3 What is needs analysis?

2.4 What methods can we use to do a needs analysis?

2.5 Summary of the chapter

2.6 What should a teacher do after reading this chapter?

Chapter 3 Qualitative approaches to investigating student needs

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Some examples of studies of ESP students' language needs using qualitative methods

3.3 Summary of the chapter

3.4 What should a teacher do after reading this chapter?

Chapter 4 Curriculum development in ESP

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Developing the curriculum

4.3 Teacher professional development

4.4 Summary of the chapter

4.5 What should a teacher do after reading this chapter?

Chapter 5 Approaches to curriculum design

5.1 Introduction

5.2 A theme based approach

5.3 A genre based approach

5.4 An academic skills approach

5.5 A notional functional approach

5.6 A critical approach

5.7 Collaborating with disciplinary experts

5.8 Summary of the chapter

5.9 What should a teacher do after reading this chapter?

Chapter 6 The use of genre analysis in ESP

6.1 Introduction: what is genre?

6.2 The linguistic features of a genre

6.3 How teachers can promote students' genre awareness

6.4 Example of a written genre: email communication

6.5 Example of a spoken genre: nurse–patient communication

6.6 Summary of the chapter

6.7 What should a teacher do after reading this chapter?

Chapter 7 The contribution of register analysis to ESP

7.1 Introduction

7.2 Contribution of register analysis to teaching disciplinary texts at school

7.3 Contribution of register analysis to teaching vocabulary in a university course

7.4 Contribution of register analysis to course development for workplace training

7.5 Contribution of register analysis to teaching grammar and register of professional discourse

7.6 Teaching register features

7.7 Summary of the chapter

7.8 What should a teacher do after reading this chapter?

Chapter 8 Materials development in ESP

8.1 Introduction

8.2 The process of materials development

8.3 Evaluating materials

8.4 Some examples of materials design

8.5 Summary of the chapter

8.6 What should a teacher do after reading this chapter?

Chapter 9 Assessment in ESP

9.1 Introduction: why are specific purposes tests needed?

9.2 Authenticity of task

9.3 Specific purposes language and specific purposes background knowledge

9.4 Writing assessment tasks

9.5 Summary of the chapter

9.6 What should a teacher do after reading this chapter?

Chapter 10 Conclusion

Key principles of English for Specific Purposes that have been discussed in this book



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