


Mastering Social Media Mining with R电子书

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作       者:Sharan Kumar Ravindran

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:85.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Extract valuable data from your social media sites and make better business decisions using R About This Book Explore the social media APIs in R to capture data and tame it Employ the machine learning capabilities of R to gain optimal business value A hands-on guide with real-world examples to help you take advantage of the vast opportunities that come with social media data Who This Book Is For If you have basic knowledge of R in terms of its libraries and are aware of different machine learning techniques, this book is for you. Those with experience in data analysis who are interested in mining social media data will find this book useful. What You Will Learn Access APIs of popular social media sites and extract data Perform sentiment analysis and identify trending topics Measure CTR performance for social media campaigns Implement exploratory data analysis and correlation analysis Build a logistic regression model to detect spam messages Construct clusters of pictures using the K-means algorithm and identify popular personalities and destinations Develop recommendation systems using Collaborative Filtering and the Apriori algorithm In Detail With an increase in the number of users on the web, the content generated has increased substantially, bringing in the need to gain insights into the untapped gold mine that is social media data. For computational statistics, R has an advantage over other languages in providing readily-available data extraction and transformation packages, making it easier to carry out your ETL tasks. Along with this, its data visualization packages help users get a better understanding of the underlying data distributions while its range of "standard" statistical packages simplify analysis of the data. This book will teach you how powerful business cases are solved by applying machine learning techniques on social media data. You will learn about important and recent developments in the field of social media, along with a few advanced topics such as Open Authorization (OAuth). Through practical examples, you will access data from R using APIs of various social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, GitHub, Foursquare, LinkedIn, Blogger, and other networks. We will provide you with detailed explanations on the implementation of various use cases using R programming. With this handy guide, you will be ready to embark on your journey as an independent social media analyst. Style and approach This easy-to-follow guide is packed with hands-on, step-by-step examples that will enable you to convert your real-world social media data into useful, practical information.

Mastering Social Media Mining with R

Table of Contents

Mastering Social Media Mining with R


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1. Fundamentals of Mining

Social media and its importance

Various social media platforms

Social media mining

Challenges for social media mining

Social media mining techniques

Graph mining

Text mining

The generic process of social media mining

Getting authentication from the social website – OAuth 2.0

Differences between OAuth and OAuth 2.0

Data visualization R packages

The simple word cloud

Sentiment analysis Wordcloud

Preprocessing and cleaning in R

Data modeling – the application of mining algorithms

Opinion mining (sentiment analysis)

Steps for sentiment analysis

Community detection via clustering

Result visualization

An example of social media mining


2. Mining Opinions, Exploring Trends, and More with Twitter

Twitter and its importance

Understanding Twitter's APIs

Twitter vocabulary

Creating a Twitter API connection

Creating a new app

Finding trending topics

Searching tweets

Twitter sentiment analysis

Collecting tweets as a corpus

Cleaning the corpus

Estimating sentiment (A)

Estimating sentiment (B)


3. Find Friends on Facebook

Creating an app on the Facebook platform

Rfacebook package installation and authentication


A closer look at how the package works

A basic analysis of your network

Network analysis and visualization

Social network analysis






Getting Facebook page data

Trending topics

Trend analysis


Based on a single post

Based on multiple posts

Measuring CTR performance for a page

Spam detection

Implementing a spam detection algorithm

The order of stories on a user's home page

Recommendations to friends

Reading the output

Other business cases


4. Finding Popular Photos on Instagram

Creating an app on the Instagram platform

Installation and authentication of the instaR package

Accessing data from R

Searching public media for a specific hashtag

Searching public media from a specific location

Extracting public media of a user

Extracting user profile

Getting followers

Who does the user follow?

Getting comments

Number of times hashtag is used

Building a dataset

User profile

User media

Travel-related media

Who do they follow?

Popular personalities

Who has the most followers?

Who follows more people?

Who shared most media?

Overall top users

Most viral media

Finding the most popular destination


Locations with most likes

Locations most talked about

What are people saying about these locations?

Most repeating locations

Clustering the pictures

Recommendations to the users

How to do it

Top three recommendations

Improvements to the recommendation system

Business case



5. Let's Build Software with GitHub

Creating an app on GitHub

GitHub package installation and authentication

Accessing GitHub data from R

Building a heterogeneous dataset using the most active users

Data processing

Building additional metrics

Exploratory data analysis

EDA – graphical analysis

Which language is most popular among the active GitHub users?

What is the distribution of watchers, forks, and issues in GitHub?

How many repositories had issues?

What is the trend on updating repositories?

Compare users through heat map

EDA – correlation analysis

How Watchers is related to Forks

Correlation with regression line

Correlation with local regression curve

Correlation on segmented data

Correlation between the languages that user's use to code

How to get the trend of correlation?


Business cases


6. More Social Media Websites

Searching on social media

Accessing product reviews from sites

Retrieving data from Wikipedia

Using the Tumblr API

Accessing data from Quora

Mapping solutions using Google Maps

Professional network data from LinkedIn

Getting Blogger data

Retrieving venue data from Foursquare

Use cases

Yelp and other networks




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