


Why Obamacare Is Wrong for America电子书

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作       者:Turner, Grace-Marie

出  版  社:HarperCollins e-books


字       数:38.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Most people initially had high hopes for health reform. There clearly are problems that must be fixed. The president had promised that if reform passed, everyone would be able to get health insurance, costs would go down, and we would be able to keep both our doctors and our coverage. And we were told that reform would even cut the deficit and make Medicare stronger.But the law that actually passed became a Rube Goldberg contraption that can’t possibly work and that fails to meet its promises and it will make many problems worse. Officials say it will leave at least 23 million people uninsured, it is already making health insurance more expensive, and it threatens major changes to the coverage that tens of millions of Americans have today. Seniors are frightened that its cuts to future Medicare spending will jeopardize their care, and taxpayers see a flood of red ink far into the future.ObamaCare is leaving a comet tail of broken promises as it steamrolls its way through our economy and into our lives. What happenedHow could there possibly be such a big gap between promise and reality?In Why ObamaCare is Wrong for America, the authors who work for four different conservative think tanks and have led the fight to educate the American people about the impact of ObamaCare explain exactly what the law stipulates and how the law will affect each of us: as patients, as employees, as taxpayers, and as citizens. They also lay out a plan for reforming the law so we can get health care right. Finally, the authors share concrete steps each of us can take to put the breaks on ObamaCare.


Title Page



The Real Story of ObamaCare

What’s in This Law

Impact on…Families and Young Adults

Impact on…Seniors

Impact on…Vulnerable Americans

Impact on…You and Your Doctor

Impact on…You and Your Employer

Impact on…Taxpayers

Impact on…You and Your Constitutional Rights

What We Should Do Instead to Get Reform Right

What You Can Do to Put the Brakes on ObamaCare



About the Authors



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