



英语中有很多形近词和近义词,它们的词性相同,拼写或意思差不多,在写作和其他应用的场合该如何选择和使用,着实让人头大。一不留神用错,考试会丢分,说不定还会闹出笑话。 正因为这是普遍困扰英语学习者的问题,于是就有了这本《英语易混词辨析——用不对词,写作怎么拿高分?》。书中选取了443组常见的英语易混词,包括“形近易混”和“义近易混”,从含义、用法、句型等方面深度解析它们的异同,让你不仅知其然,更知其所以然,充分领悟它们的内在差别并正确掌握其用法。书中还有生动有趣的插图,直观展示易混词的区别。每组易混词后还贴心设置了小测验,供你及时检测学习效果,题目不多,做起来不会有什么负担。书后附有索引,方便随时查询。

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416人正在读 | 0人评论 6.2

作       者:高凌

出  版  社:北京语言大学出版社


字       数:35.4万

所属分类: 教育 > 外语 > 英文教辅



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本书基于作者多年的中学和大学英语教学研究和实践创作而成,从中高考至大学英语四、六级词汇中,精心筛选出学生普遍容易混淆、用错的词汇,以通俗易懂的语言行辨析,用简明生动的插图帮助理解,用及时的测试题目检验所学,帮你彻底搞清楚这些易混词的区别,教你学会用对词,助力写作拿高分!<br/>【推荐语】<br/>英语中有很多形近词和近义词,它们的词性相同,拼写或意思差不多,在写作和其他应用的场合该如何选择和使用,着实让人头大。一不留神用错,考试会丢分,说不定还会闹出笑话。 正因为这是普遍困扰英语学习者的问题,于是就有了这本《英语易混词辨析——用不对词,写作怎么拿高分?》。书中选取了443组常见的英语易混词,包括“形近易混”和“义近易混”,从含义、用法、句型等方面深度解析它们的异同,让你不仅知其然,更知其所以然,充分领悟它们的内在差别并正确掌握其用法。书中还有生动有趣的插图,直观展示易混词的区别。每组易混词后还贴心设置了小测验,供你及时检测学习效果,题目不多,做起来不会有什么负担。书后附有索引,方便随时查询。 ◆精心选取443组常见易混词,包括“形近易混”和“义近易混”,词汇水平为中高考到大学英语四、六级,可充分满足大多数英语学习者的需求。 ◆不是简单罗列易混词的词性、释义,而是深度解析它们的内在含义和用法,使读者不仅能理解它们的异同,更能做到真正会使用。 ◆简明插图生动展示易混词的差别,避免了传统语法书的单调与枯燥。 ◆每组易混词后设有小测验,可供及时检测学习效果。 ◆每页一组易混词,结构清晰;书后附有索引,方便随时查询。<br/>



001 ability,capacity,talent

002 able,capable

003 about,of,on

004 above,on,over

005 accept,receive

006 accuse,charge

007 ache,pain

008 across,over,through

009 act,action,deed

010 advise,propose,suggest

011 affect,effect,influence

012 afraid,fear

013 afraid,frightened,terrified

014 after,behind

015 after,in

016 ago,before

017 ago,since

018 agree,accept,approve

019 aim,purpose

020 allow,let,permit

021 almost,nearly

022 alone,lonely

023 aloud,loud,loudly

024 already,all ready

025 already,still

026 already,yet

027 also,either,too

028 although,though

029 always,forever

030 always,often

031 among,in

032 amount,quantity

033 amuse,entertain

034 anger,rage

035 angry,annoyed

036 animal,beast,creature

037 announce,declare

038 another,other,the other

039 answer,reply,respond

040 anxious,eager,keen

041 any,either

042 any,every

043 anyone,any one

044 apartment,flat

045 appear,look,seem

046 apt,likely,subject

047 argue,debate,dispute

048 arm,weapon

049 army,force,troops

050 arouse,rouse

051 article,essay,composition

052 as,because,for

053 as,for

054 as,like

055 as,so

056 as,when,while

057 ask,ask for

058 ask,beg,demand,request

059 asleep,sleeping,sleepy

060 assure,ensure

061 astonish,surprise

062 at,by,for

063 at,in,on(1)

064 at,in,on(2)

065 attempt,endeavor,try

066 avenge,revenge

067 await,wait

068 awake,awaken,wake,waken

069 aware,conscious

070 awful,terrible,dreadful,horrible


071 back,backward,backwards

072 bad,evil,ill,poor,wrong

073 balance,scale

074 base,basis,foundation

075 bath,bathe

076 battle,campaign,war

077 bear,endure,stand

078 beat,hit,strike

079 beautiful,handsome,pretty

080 because,since

081 become,come,go

082 become,turn

083 before,till

084 begin,commence,start

085 bench,chair,stool

086 beside,besides

087 beside,by

088 besides,but,except

089 beyond,outside,over

090 big,great,large

091 blanket,carpet

092 boat,craft,ship

093 bold,brave,courageous

094 boots,shoes

095 border,frontier

096 born,borne

097 both,each

098 both,either,neither

099 bother,disturb,interrupt

100 box,case

101 brain,head,mind

102 brave,heroic

103 break,damage,destroy,ruin

104 break,pause,rest

105 bright,clever,wise

106 bright,light

107 bring,fetch,take

108 broad,wide

109 build,establish,found

110 bus,car,lorry,truck

111 business,commerce,trade

112 but,though

113 buy,purchase

114 by,near

115 by,through

116 by,till,until

117 by,with


118 can,could,be able to

119 canal,channel

120 capture,arrest

121 cause,make

122 cause,occasion

123 cease,stop,pause

124 chance,opportunity

125 character,nature

126 cheat,deceive,trick

127 chicken,cock,hen

128 chief,main,principal

129 childish,childlike

130 choose,elect,select

131 cinema,film,movie,theater

132 classic,classical

133 clean,pure

134 clear,obvious

135 close,near

136 close,shut

137 cloth,clothes,clothing,dress,suit

138 cold,cool,chilly

139 collect,gather

140 college,institute,university

141 command,order

142 common,ordinary

143 compare,contrast

144 competent,qualified

145 compose,consist

146 conceal,hide

147 concept,conception

148 conquer,overcome

149 consider,regard

150 constitute,comprise

151 continent,land

152 continual,continuous

153 continue,last,resume

154 contrary,opposite

155 convince,persuade

156 corner,angle

157 correct,right

158 cost,pay,spend,take

159 cottage,hut,house,villa

160 country,countryside,village

161 country,nation,state

162 crime,sin

163 crop,grain,plant

164 cross,across

165 crush,smash

166 cry,sob,weep

167 cure,heal,treat

168 curious,queer,strange


169 danger,risk

170 dear,costly,expensive

171 decide,determine,settle

172 decrease,reduce

173 defeat,overthrow

174 defend,guard,protect

175 delay,postpone,put off

176 delighted,delightful

177 demand,request,require

178 depart,part

179 design,plan,proposal

180 desirable,desirous

181 dialog,conversation

182 different,several,various

183 difficult,hard

184 difficulty,trouble

185 dinner,meal,supper

186 discover,invent,create

187 disease,illness,sickness

188 dish,table

189 distant,far,faraway

190 doctor,physician,surgeon

191 drag,draw

192 draw,paint

193 dress,coat,jacket,skirt

194 dress,put on,wear

195 drink,have,take

196 drive,ride

197 drug,medicine,pill

198 during,for,in


199 early,soon

200 earth,ground,soil

201 easy,simple

202 economic,economical

203 edge,border

204 elder,older

205 electric,electrical

206 empty,bare,vacant

207 enough,adequate,sufficient

208 escape,flee,run away

209 especially,specially

210 everyday,every day

211 everyone,every one

212 evidence,proof,witness

213 examine,inspect,investigate

214 example,instance,sample

215 exercise,drill,practice

216 exist,survive

217 explain,illustrate

218 explode,burst

219 extra,additional,spare


220 factory,mill,plant

221 fade,disappear,vanish

222 fail,failure

223 fail,miss

224 fairly,pretty,quite

225 fairly,rather

226 famous,celebrated,well-known

227 farther,further

228 fast,quick,rapid,swift

229 fat,plump,stout

230 fate,fortune

231 feel,think

232 feeling,emotion,passion,sensation,sense

233 few,little

234 find,find out,look for

235 fine,penalty

236 finish,complete

237 fire,blaze,flame

238 fit,suit

239 flesh,meat

240 foolish,silly,stupid

241 forbid,prohibit

242 force,compel,oblige

243 force,power,strength

244 forest,jungle,wood

245 forget v-ing,forget to-v

246 form,shape

247 free,liberate

248 freedom,liberty

249 fresh,new

250 from,since

251 fun,joke


252 gain,acquire,get,obtain

253 game,match,sport

254 garbage,rubbish

255 garden,yard

256 gentle,mild,soft

257 gift,present

258 glad,happy,pleased

259 gold,golden

260 good,well

261 grade,mark

262 grasp,seize,grab,snatch,hold

263 ground,floor,earth

264 guess,imagine,suppose

265 guide,conduct,lead


266 habit,custom

267 happen,occur,take place

268 hardly,barely,scarcely

269 hare,rabbit

270 harm,hurt,injure,wound

271 headmaster,president,schoolmaster

272 healthy,well

273 help,aid,assist

274 historic,historical

275 holiday,festival,leave,vacation

276 hope,wish

277 huge,enormous,vast

278 hung,hanged


279 idea,thought

280 idle,lazy

281 if,whether

282 ill,sick

283 in,into,within

284 incident,accident,event

285 include,involve

286 inner,inside,inward

287 insist,persist

288 instead,instead of

289 intellectual,intelligent

290 interested,interesting

291 invite,ask

292 involved,absorbed


293 job,labor,work

294 journey,tour,travel,trip,voyage

295 jump,leap,spring


296 keep,hold

297 kill,murder,shoot

298 kind,sort,type

299 know,know about

300 know,recognize


301 laborer,worker

302 lack,shortage

303 lady,madam,woman

304 lamp,light

305 last,past

306 lately,recently

307 later,latter

308 lawful,legal

309 learn,study

310 leave,depart,go

311 living,alive,live

312 look,see,watch

313 lose,miss

314 lucky,fortunate


315 mad,crazy

316 magnificent,splendid

317 man,mankind

318 manner,style

319 market,fair,supermarket

320 match,race

321 matter,material,substance

322 may,could,might

323 mean,imply,indicate

324 meeting,conference,congress

325 memorize,remember,recall

326 mend,repair

327 method,way

328 mist,fog

329 mistake,error,fault

330 mountain,hill,mount

331 mouse,rat

332 move,remove,transfer

333 mud,soil

334 must,have to


335 near,nearby

336 neat,tidy

337 need,want

338 neglect,ignore

339 news,information

340 noise,sound,voice

341 none,no one


342 object,oppose

343 offer,provide,supply

344 oil,gas,gasoline,petrol

345 old,ancient

346 organize,arrange

347 own,possess


348 pale,white

349 pardon,excuse,forgive,sorry

350 part,section

351 path,pavement,route,way

352 perhaps,maybe,probably

353 pipe,tube

354 plan,project,scheme

355 poem,doggerel,jingle,poetry,verse

356 port,harbor

357 press,urge

358 prevent,stop

359 price,cost

360 problem,question

361 produce,product,production

362 profession,employment,occupation

363 pupil,student

364 puzzle,confuse


365 quiet,calm,silent,still


366 race,run

367 raise,lift

368 reach,arrive,get

369 real,actual,true

370 reason,cause

371 recover,restore

372 refuse,decline,deny,reject

373 region,area,district

374 relation,relationship,relative

375 release,dismiss

376 remain,stay

377 remember,remind

378 remember v-ing,remember to-v

379 rent,employ,hire

380 rescue,save

381 result,effect

382 rise,arise

383 river,stream

384 road,avenue,street

385 roast,bake

386 roof,ceiling,top

387 rope,cable,string,thread

388 rot,decay,go bad,spoil

389 rule,control,govern

390 rush,hurry


391 salary,wage

392 same,similar,equal

393 say,speak,talk,tell

394 scene,scenery

395 scold,blame

396 search,search for

397 search,seek,explore

398 sense,meaning

399 separate,divide

400 shake,quake,tremble

401 shall,will

402 should,ought to

403 shout,cry,scream

404 single,one

405 skin,leather,fur

406 slide,glide,slip

407 small,little,tiny

408 someone,some one

409 sometime,some time,sometimes

410 sorrow,grief,sadness

411 source,origin

412 speech,lecture,talk

413 stair,flight,step

414 stare,gaze,glance,glare

415 steal,rob

416 story,tale

417 strong,powerful

418 struggle,fight

419 sugar,candy,sweet


420 test,quiz,examination

421 thankful,grateful

422 that,which

423 tie,bind,fasten

424 tonight,this evening

425 tool,instrument

426 topic,subject

427 train,educate,teach

428 twice,double,time


429 understand,realize

430 upon,on


431 victory,triumph

432 violent,wild


433 wallet,purse

434 weak,faint,feeble

435 weave,spin,knit

436 what,how

437 who,whom

438 whole,entire,total,all

439 win,earn

440 worth,worthy,value

441 writer,author


442 yet,still


443 zero,naught

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