


There is No Thinker Only Thought电子书

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作       者:J. Krishnamurti

出  版  社:Krishnamurti Foundation America


字       数:110.0万

所属分类: 人文社科 > 哲学/宗教 > 哲学



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  • 读书简介
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In these talks given in New Delhi, Bombay, London, Saanen, Paris and Madras, Krishnamurti begins by defining what he means by the word discussion and what it means to go beyond thought. "I think, before we begin, it should be made clear what we mean by discussion. To me it is a process of discovery through exposing oneself to the fact. That is, in discussing I discover myself, the habit of my thought, the way I proceed to think, my reactions, the way I reason, not only intellectually but inwardly. It is really exposing oneself not merely verbally but actually so that the discussion becomes a thing worth while - to discover for ourselves how we think. Because, I feel if we could be serious enough for an hour or a little more and really fathom and delve into ourselves as much as we can, we shall be able to release, not through any action of will, a certain sense of energy which is all the time awake, which is beyond thought."

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Title Page



Talks in New Delhi, India

First Talk, January 8, 1961

Second Talk, January 11, 1961

Third Talk, January 13, 1961

Fourth Talk, January 15, 1961

Fifth Talk, January 18, 1961

Sixth Talk, January 20, 1961

Seventh Talk, January 22, 1961

Talks in Bombay, India

First Talk, February 19, 1961

Second Talk, February 22, 1961

Third Talk, February 24, 1961

Fourth Talk, February 26, 1961

Fifth Talk, March 1, 1961

Sixth Talk, March 3, 1961

Seventh Talk, March 5, 1961

Eighth Talk, March 8, 1961

Ninth Talk, March 10, 1961

Tenth Talk, March 12, 1961

Talks in London, England

First Talk, May 2, 1961

Second Talk, May 4, 1961

Third Talk, May 7, 1961

Fourth Talk, May 9, 1961

Fifth Talk, May 11, 1961

Sixth Talk, May 14, 1961

Seventh Talk, May 16, 1961

Eighth Talk, May 18, 1961

Ninth Talk, May 21, 1961

Tenth Talk, May 23, 1961

Eleventh Talk, May 25, 1961

Twelfth Talk, May 28, 1961

Talks in Saanen, Switzerland

First Talk, July 25, 1961

Second Talk, July 27, 1961

Third Talk, July 30, 1961

Fourth Talk, August 1, 1961

Fifth Talk, August 3, 1961

Sixth Talk, August 6, 1961

Seventh Talk, August 8, 1961

Eighth Talk, August 10, 1961

Ninth Talk, August 13, 1961

Talks in Paris, France

First Talk, September 5, 1961

Second Talk, September 7, 1961

Third Talk, September 10, 1961

Fourth Talk, September 12, 1961

Fifth Talk, September 14, 1961

Sixth Talk, September 17, 1961

Seventh Talk, September 19, 1961

Eighth Talk, September 21, 1961

Ninth Talk, September 24, 1961

Talks in Madras, India

First Talk, November 22, 1961

Second Talk, November 26, 1961

Third Talk, November 29, 1961

Fourth Talk, December 3, 1961

Fifth Talk, December 6, 1961

Sixth Talk, December 10, 1961

Seventh Talk, December 13, 1961

Eighth Talk, December 17, 1961


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