


Public Service on the Brink电子书

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作       者:Manson, Jenny

出  版  社:Andrews UK


字       数:90.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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The contributors to this book mount a robust defence of the concept and practice of public service at a crucial time for its future. They question the ill-conceived assumptions behind the endless programmes of reform imposed by successive governments, often on the basis of advice from people with no direct experience of working in the public sector.With cuts in public spending by the coalition government and "e;austerity"e; programmes being imposed in Britain and abroad, the book could not be more timely in its reminder of the core purpose of public service. After a long period of denigration of the public sector, here is the voice that has not been heard clearly through these decades of reorganisation:"e;I know what my job is and I want to do it as well as I can. Indeed I would love my work if I could get one day's peace to get on with it. But I am beset at every turn by unintelligible, time wasting and fruitless management initiatives, constant change, ill-judged targets, wrong-headed 'commercial' exemplars and continuous and misguided restructuring. I have to watch as, instead of my 'customers' (actually patients, pupils, taxpayers) getting a better deal from me, the only beneficiaries seem to be those who can lobby for special treatment."e; The book contains accounts of public service by people of varying backgrounds and ages who work both inside and outside of the public sector. They share an allegiance to the value and purpose of working for the common good and an enthusiasm for getting things right and for the opportunity to recount their experience through this book.


Front Matter

Title Page

Copyright Page


Jenny Manson: Introduction

Body Matter

Part I: The Civil Service

Mark Serwotka: Saving Public Services

Rodric Braithwaite: Why We Need an Elite Public Service

Part II: The Academic Debate

Ursula Murray: Local Government and the Meaning of Publicness

Oliver Huitson: The Public Private Partnership - The Privatisation of Governance

Part III: Health and Education

Jonathan C.W. Edwards: The NHS: Health as Wealth

Libby Goldby: Secondary Education

David Wiggins: From a Humanities Perspective - New Public Management and the Universities

Part IV: Facing the Problem of Public Service

Rebekah Carrier: Legal Aid - A Welfare Service?

Chris Richardson: Britain’s Railways

Liz Kessler: Public Service - Why it is so difficult to ensure that places meet the needs of people, especially in areas of multi-deprivation

Part V: The Public Debate

Dan Carrier: From Heroes to Zeroes - How the Press report the work of public sector employees

Back Matter

Other Titles Available from Imprint Academic and Andrews UK

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